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"We always put

Building conservation in focus"

Byggnadsvård i fokus AB performs restorations and renovations with traditional materials and methods. We work with everything from churches and architectural monuments to private residential buildings. Often in close collaboration with architects and antiquarians. Our great interest and curiosity for historic buildings, traditional crafts and materials form the basis of the company. Our philosophy is that the building should feel as good as possible and retain its original character.

By choosing the right materials, building technology and craftsmanship, we can preserve our cultural-historical buildings.

With offices and a starting point in Malmö, we carry out the work around Skåne.
There are no geographical restrictions for consulting and consultancy work.


If you have any thoughts regarding your property, do not hesitate to contact us!

Vårt Team

Vårt team består av 19 skickliga murare och kulturmålare som har specialiserat sig på att restaurera kulturbyggnader. Med en gemensam intresse för att bevara det förflutnas värden och en gedigen kunskap om traditionella metoder och material, arbetar vårt team målmedvetet för att återställa och bevara kulturbyggnation

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